Our shortest month is long on info, at least here at Rocks Digital! We’ve brought together Feb’s fabulous posts on a single page for easy access. Read an article’s synopsis and hit the link to reach the full piece.
Here’s February’s Sweet Treats
From using emojis to video and landing pages, all the way to underdog marketing and 2018’s marketing trends, this freshly-baked dozen will keep you learning! (Find January’s monthly wrap-up here.)
Reach and Promote
If you are managing a Facebook page for a local business, you need to get some savvy. Fortunately, Manuela Gadancheva dishes up a heaping helping of great advice AND pictures to help you navigate the world of Facebook advertising.
OMG! Emojis!
Marketing with emojis? If you put in a little effort, you can harness the power of emojis and put them to work for you. Moss Clement helps us strategize and mobilize our emoji army to help people get the picture of you and your business.
Here’s to Your Healthy Business
Better health is not a fad or pithy catch-phrase. Keeping yourself and your business healthy is a wise investment. Clint Fuqua shares the why of making sure you AND your business commit to being healthy – and how that can boost your brand.
Linking into LinkedIn
You’ve got a profile on LinkedIn, what more do you need to do? Veleisa Burrell gives us the lowdown on leveraging LinkedIn and maximizing our LinkedIn experience! Build your brand and create meaningful connections on LinkedIn for personal and professional transformation.
Never Fear, You CAN Cheer for the Underdog
Ahhh, the underdog – humble and loveable. Whether it’s your team, your movie hero or your favorite business (your own business?), we love to root for the underdog. Harley David Rubin shares both history and a look forward at how rooting for the underdog has been, and continues to be a strategy for marketing success.
First Impression – Flat or Fabulous?
You know the old saying… You never get a second chance to make a first impression. And, while you can overcome that first impression if it isn’t good, why not work on making your website’s first impression on a potential client a great one? Syed Ali Mudassar gives us a quick 1-2-3 for improving our websites and making that fabulous first impression.
Show Yourself Some Love
You didn’t actually think we’d get through the February recap without mentioning love, did you? While you may pass on the Valentine’s Day traditions, don’t pass up the chance to love yourself (and your business) by asking for some help. It’s really easy for a small business owner to feel like they can and should do it all, but there’s nothing wrong with realizing that not EVERYTHING is your zone of genius. Debbie Mrazek tells us to share the love, get some help, and get back into your zone!
Landing Conversions
Do you have a landing page? Maybe more than one? Cristian Rennella shares seven sizzling tips for creating and optimizing your landing pages. Landing pages can be powerful conversion tools. These seven tips will help you make the most of your landing pages and up your conversion game!
Marketing Trends – Get the Big Picture
Need to know what the marketing trends are for 2018? Mark Toney has you covered with a groovy infographic that touches on the top five (so far!) trends in marketing. Make sure you’ve got the right strategy, then work your plan and make your marketing picture perfect!
Cooking Up Tasty Metrics
Use some video to spice up your content and use some metrics to keep your video on target. Deepasha Kakkar dishes about how to monitor metrics to serve up the content your audience craves.
Dive into Live
No doubt about it, video is hot right now. If you have cold feet about diving into Facebook Live, Tanya Smith helps you warm up to the idea. But you don’t have to go it alone – doing an interview is a great way to get your Facebook Live groove flowing. Build the know, like, and trust factor by explaining how you became an expert in your field. Make the leap into Live today!
Email Marketing as Easy as 1-2-3
If you want to be one of the emails that gets opened (instead of the instant-delete that’s the fate of most marketing email), follow the advice of Harley David Rubin as he shares his three steps to crafting compelling marketing emails. Can the spam – and make your emails short, sweet and on target.
This February Wrap-Up is for You, and Me Too…
I’ve always found it helpful to see each month’s posts in wrap-up format, and I trust you do, too. While February can seem to pass quickly, there’s still time to digest this assortment of solid digital marketing info. Bookmark the page so you can grab an info-snack as your schedule allows!
Our February wrap-up is like a virtual box of donuts – but you can tweet (instead of eat) if you found it helpful!
Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.