Harley David Rubin

Wonder How to Cross-Promote Content? 6 Tips to Take You from Start to Finish

Cross-Promote Content with these 6 Tips

Yes, you really might want to focus on how to cross-promote content. Yeah, yeah, content is king. We’ve heard this about a billion times from every digital visionary and marketing guru and branding ninja.

And your content could be the best, most interesting, most engaging stuff ever written.

But if nobody reads it, does it make an impact? Was it even worth sitting down to type this masterpiece of marketing messaging?

Simple Tips to Successfully Cross-Promote Content

It’s time to share your content with the world. It’s like coming up with a beautiful new sign for your business – and putting it on the inside of your door! Sure, your regular visitors will see it. But this sign needs to be seen by the outside world.

And this goes for any kind of content you have – a blog post, brochure, case study, press release, whitepaper, etc.

Let’s use a press release as an example. (I have a soft spot for press releases; they’re one of the first things I ever wrote and got paid for.)

Suppose you wrote a news release about a new product you’re offering. This is MAJOR NEWS that could give your company a giant boost in revenue and profitability. It needs to be shared – and shared hugely! Keep reading for how to get started.

Blog the News

There are some folks who will literally just copy-and-paste their press release right onto their blog. I’m here to tell you that’s not a terrible thing.

Yes, you could write a brief intro paragraph and then do the copy-paste. And maybe add a photo, since most studies show that a blog post with a photo (or several) gets more views.

Pro Tip: Press releases and other already-written content pieces are great for filling up your blog, especially during “slow” times of the year.

Facebook It

The great thing about Facebook is that you can write a post about your press release and share it twice ­– once on your business page, and once on your personal page. (Unless you have a strict “no work stuff on my personal account” policy.)

Plus, a quick post with brief copy and a link to the press release (on your website’s “News” page or blog) is really easy and fast to complete. Something like: “Check out the news on our latest product ­– it could change your life!” along with a link, and you’re done.

Pro Tip: You could post the actual press release to your FB timeline, but that’s probably a bit “too long, didn’t read” for your Facebook page. Give them the option to go read it or not; it’s also a way to generate more website hits!

Tweet Away

Even with 280 characters, there’s no way to post your whole press release on Twitter. So here’s where you definitely stick to a quick Tweet and a link. Again, you can post it on your business and personal accounts (if you choose to do so).

Pro Tip: Retweeting it a day or two later – with an “ICYMI” (In Case You Missed It) at the beginning – is a great way to get more mileage out of the news. You could even share an ICYMI post a couple times a week for several weeks. (If you do this, make sure you post other things in between to avoid being boring and repetitious.)

Link with the Pros

My thoughts on sharing your news release on LinkedIn are pretty much the same as my thoughts above on Facebook. But I would add one extra step; see immediately below.

Pro Tip: Post your news a third time or maybe even a fourth and fifth time in relevant LinkedIn Groups. In these groups, you’re talking to professionals in your specific industry who are probably right in your target audience.

Email Your List

Hopefully you have an up-to-date email list with customers, prospects and colleagues ­– all of whom should be interested in your latest news. A brief subject line, maybe that intro paragraph from your blog post, a copy/paste of the news release, and you’re ready to hit Send.

Pro Tip: Make sure you have several links to the release in the news release itself that are linked to your blog so you can get more readers clicking their way to your site.

To Successfully Cross-Promote Content You Must Track It, Too!

So, there it is:

  • You had something to say.
  • You wrote the content.
  • You certainly want somebody to read it.
  • Preferably hundreds or thousands of somebodies!

You put it out there for the world to see, using a variety of online channels. And track ROI, too. Count up the views, Likes, Shares and Retweets. You’ll see what’s working, what isn’t, and have a better idea of how to go about it with your next piece of new content!

Cross-Promote Content and Convert

There are countless ways to cross-promote content, once you master the tips above, I start thinking about converting into infographics, live video and downloads. The first goal is to get eye balls reading what you produce. The second is converting those readers to customers, partners and raving fans.

Do you have your own methods of how to cross-promote content? Feel free to share in the comments.

Harley David Rubin

Harley David Rubin is a freelance copywriter, content creator and marketing strategist who has worked for both advertising agencies and corporate marketing departments for more than 20 years. He loves his family, pop culture, fantasy baseball and creativity in all its forms.

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