Well, April showers bring May flowers, and this is also true for the Rocks Digital April Wrap-Up. Get a brief synopsis (and link to the full read) for each of our need-to-know April blog posts. Review or catch up on important digital marketing topics – including of course the upcoming Rocks Digital Marketing Conference slated for June. That’s June 29 & 30, 2018 to be exact!
April’s Refreshing Wrap-Up
Do enjoy this refreshing “April shower of knowledge” and start up the month of May by staying up-to-date. (And for your convenience, revisit the March wrap-up here.)
Sin-Free LinkedIn Messaging
If you’re on LinkedIn, you’ve gotten a LinkedIn Message that looks and sounds like it’s right out of a can. Harley David Rubin tells us how to shun the 7 deadly sins of LinkedIn messaging to be sure that your brand doesn’t leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth.
Demographic Infographic – Say THAT Three Times Fast!
Chances are that the people you want to market to are on social media, but the big question is always WHERE? Mark Toney helps answer this question with a great infographic that helps break it down by target generations and by platform.
Not-So-Social Media
If you’ve been paying attention over the last couple of years, you may notice that several social media platforms seem to have become much less …social. Changes to Facebook and Twitter, improvements in ad blocking technology that forces marketers to get creative, and the rise of dark social (not as nefarious as it sounds!)are all influencing the social media landscape. Hardik Oza helps track the trends and keep us savvy through the shifts.
This Digital Marketing Post Goes to Eleven
You want to do digital marketing right, but what does that mean? What should you post? How often should you be posting? Harley David Rubin tells us to: Be present – but not TOO present. Find out when to toot your own horn – and when to be the strong, silent brand (who is there for the potential client but not hovering).
Once Upon a Time on Instagram
Were you a fan of Mission Impossible (the classic TV series) where the message that laid out the mission would self-destruct? Even if you aren’t familiar with that, you should become familiar with Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories is content shared to Instagram that “self-destructs” after 24 hours. Tanya Smith tells us how to make the most of Instagram Stories and retain your brand mystique!
The Care and Feeding of Content
Are you optimizing your content for the long-term game? Syed Ali Mudassar helps us create optimization magic and set goals so we keep our content fresh longer. Visibility is an ongoing challenge – make sure you care for your content well, so it can continue to help your brand shine.
Cultivate Your Comments Section
Is your comments section helping to grow your brand? Bradley Shaw gives us 8 tips to boost your comments section to grow connections and create conversations. Your platforms should be about cultivating relationships, not just you talking AT potential customers. Comments can also help you determine what your audience wants more of, which is a great bonus!
Are You Ready to Rock at Rocks Digital 2018?
Lissa has been rounding up some phenomenal speakers for this year’s Rocks Digital Conference. Head over to Rocks Digital to see the lineup and register. You will NOT want to miss it! (I’m already exercising my live-blogging fingers to be ready to rock!)
Shower’s Over – Time to Start Growing!
There’s no time like nowto put into place those tips and strategies that can help your brand grow, or help your clients strengthen their online presence. Take your pick – start with the care & feeding of content, ramp up Instagram Stories, or cultivate your comments section! Bookmark this page and review when needed – and remember to register now for this year’s Rocks Digital Conference on June 29 & 30.
Which “April info-shower” post is most useful for your immediate needs? You can tweet this wrap-up and click share to let your circle know the forecast too!
Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.