Winter is right around the corner and so are the colds, flu, allergies, and other bugs trying to get you. If the bug has already got you, grab some Kleenex, a blanket, and some warm tea so you can spend a few minutes here with me. (ACHOO…Cough, Cough, Cough, Snort.)
Get Cozy for Fall Verses to Keep Your Health Rosy!
This season of giving is fast upon us, but we want to make sure the gifts passed around aren’t the ones that take people down.
There is no greater remedy than preparation and avoidance. In other words, don’t catch a cold or flu that is haphazardly thrown off and handed to you.
9 Ways to Keep Your Own Anti-Virus Software Up-to-Date
Our digital devices need anti-virus software and we do too! Take a look here, as these verses are for you:
- Covering your own mouth to cough or sneeze is not just good manners, it’s the best way to keep others at ease. Your colleagues don’t want what you’ve got, and it’s not polite to pass it around.
- Wash your hands every chance you get, and keep alcohol-based wipes or hand gel on you at all times to keep the bad bugs offset.
- Hand-washing with soap has saved more lives around the world than any pill or potion we have created in the modern era, and it is the easiest way to stay healthy every day.
- If you have friends that act like some wild Chili Peppers and share their bugs, the best thing you can do is join a Flock of Seagulls and run, run so far away they get the point and say A-ha.
- Keep it covered, keep it clean, and stay away even if it seems a little mean.
- Smells and tastes of the season like soups, chili, and spiced drinks are both good – and good for your health!
- Weight gain is an issue when the temperatures drop, but starving yourself to death is a real cold hard possibility.
- Fuel up on the soups and lean meats and cooked vegetables of the season, as you push those excessive sweet treats aside, one pumpkin-spiced goodie at a time.
- Eat to your health, or that everlasting cold will grab your nose and run away with it, until you are strong enough to tackle it.
The flu is just waiting to kick you while you’re down, or at least trip you up and beat you up as you fight that cold.
How to Get Your Personal Anti-Virus Software Working Again
If the flu catches you, the only thing you can do is cover up, heat up, drink up, and let that viral intruder starve as it hits you with everything it’s got for a few days. Just remember the following:
- Granny’s tonic is some powerful stuff, and while it may have worked fine back in the day, there are new medications now in play.
- Natural is best, but when mixed with synthetic pharm-grown compounds it can lead to a medical mess.
- Cough syrup and pain meds don’t mix, nor do nasal decongestants and blood pressure pills.
- Shots of liquor can heal colds quicker, but when mixed with depression, digestive, or cholesterol meds, can make you even sicker!
- Before reaching down into your magic pill bag to share, think twice. You don’t know what meds a friend or family member may be taking or what conditions they may bear.
- Leave the medical care to the pros, and do the best to take care of your own frost-nipped nose!
For Your Body’s Anti-Virus Software, Knowledge is Power
The more you know, the less worrisome a situation can grow. I don’t care how long granny has been using eye of newt, sprig of spice, or foot of crow!
What are you doing to stay healthy this season? Share your favorite anti-virus tips below.
Clint Fuqua
Clint Fuqua, author of “Personal Health Care Reform”, is an accomplished Certified Health Coach and Personal Trainer with over two decades of experience and specialized training in all areas of health, nutrition, and exercise.