Social media sites offer a great way to brand your business for free. You may be thinking about the do’s, but also understand the don’ts to minimize social media mistakes. An overwhelming majority of business owners use sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, and many check them daily. But there are some deadly errors that can really cost you – and even kill your social media campaigns if you’re not careful!
Dump these 10 Big Social Media Mistakes
Join me in pledging to stop the madness – and these social media mistakes! Let’s review so you will know exactly what NOT to do:
1. Shameless Self-Promotion
By far, the worst thing you can do is to use your social media platform as a sales page. People on these sites don’t want to be marketed to. They want to get to know you, network, and share common interests.
2. Buying Your Friends
On certain freelance sites not to be named (to protect the innocent), you’ll find people selling friends for social media sites. It may be tempting to pad your profile with fans, but this is a horrible mistake. In most cases, the ”friends” aren’t even real people. It will be obvious to the real people who show up on your site and frankly, it doesn’t do anything to grow your business.
3. One-Way Exchange
When people comment or ask questions on your page, you must respond. I mean, you MUST. Reply to them, acknowledge their comment, and make them feel welcome. This shows that you’re an approachable, responsive brand that cares what people think.
4. No Call to Engage… Ever
What makes a social media platform popular is engagement. If yours just presents information about your brand and doesn’t give them something to do, people won’t stick around. Use simple questions and scenarios to encourage responsiveness.
5. Inconsistent Posts
Maintaining a social media site is work and it requires a bit of devotion. You should schedule a little time to manage it every day – that is, if you want to grow your following. The brands that are most active on social media get the best results. It doesn’t have to mean hours every day; just carve out a little time and stick it in your calendar so you remember to respond, share great content, and like other posts.
6. Fighting Words
No matter what anyone says about you or your brand, never be negative or nasty to them. That only diminishes your credibility. Always be considerate, polite and friendly. Keep things positive – even when you’d love to go off. The ’90s comedy show, In Living Color, used to have a segment called “When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong,” showing that things just never turn out well when you choose the low road.
7. It’s All About Me
If your social media content does nothing but talk about you, your products and your services, people won’t be interested very long. Take time to understand your fans, find out the topics that they would like, and share content based on that.
8. Being a Wallflower
Don’t wait for people to visit your profile, get out there proactively and socialize! Make friends, spend time on other profiles, and get to know people. You’ll be surprised at what a difference this makes when you make an effort to connect.
9. Explicit or Over-Personal Comments
Whenever you’re logged in online, be extremely self-aware. Everything you say or do reflects your brand even if you think it’s on your “personal” profile. This isn’t about being inauthentic; but remember, your social posts are not your private diary. You want to build credibility as a professional, then act like one online.
10. Jack (or Jill) of All Trades
Sure, you are an expert in many things. But remember, stick to things that are of interest to your brand audience. It’s okay to digress and get off-topic once in awhile to display your personal passions, but in general, it’s important to plant your flag and share content that matches your offers. Stick to things your fans care about.
Honestly Assess, then Act on Social Media Mistakes
If you have been engaging in any of these social media mistakes, it’s time to make a change. Say it with me – I hereby pledge to never again make these 10 social media mistakes!
Recognize any social media mistakes you need to correct ASAP? Or perhaps you’ve noticed others make them, and seen the results! Do share your thoughts in the comments!
Tanya Smith
Tanya Smith is among the top rising professionals in social media marketing. A creative content strategist, Tanya coaches service providers to leverage snack-size content for maximum visibility.