Gawd, we love Lissa. She is dedicated to learning about the Next Big Thing in social media marketing. She’s overflowing with information and gives us the 411 on new tools and how to use them. For whatever crazy reason, she decided to make a splash in the Dallas social media scene and start up the DFW version of Rock Social Media Day tradition started by Three cheers for Lissa Duty! When you dig through your goodie bag from the conference, make sure to find her plunger and think of the “Dooty” in Lissa Duty. …HER WORDS, NOT MINE! ~ Andi
Lissa Duty, Online Social Coach CEO and founder of DFW Rocks Social Media Day 2012 & 2013, is sharing the details of How to Effectively Manage the Social Media Time Suck. (Editor’s Note: Remember the plunger from the goodie bag? Yes, now we are understanding!)
How do you make your life easier so social media doesn’t take all of your precious time?
– Start writing your tweets that aren’t time sensitive. You can repurpose these over and over: tips, valuable content for your automated tweets.
– Write your updates in advance – 15 minutes daily or 1 hour weekly.
– Type in Word: For the grammar check and use character count feature to ensure your count leaves enough room for retweets, about 120 characters.
Give back to other people and you’ll find success. ~Lissa
Ack! I lost a lot of my notes about Lissa’s great links to Follow Tools and Content Tools when the internet connectivity went down.
Read her powerpoint presentation.
You phone users stick to 4G so we can have enough ports to do our live blogging. Love you, thanks, bye. Oh and check out Lissa Duty’s book about 20 Tips to Twitter Success, for sale on site – only $10. ~Andi
Andi Reis
Andi Reis has spent the last 13 illustrious years working in the marketing and advertising fields as part of client solutions, editing, copywriting, creative compliance, brand activation, content strategy, and social media marketing for corporations, writers and artists. Obsessively working the world to help bring people to the mecca of social media as part of successful digital marketing, she creates for clients the platform of understanding which basically says: Social media is more about the social than the media. In her spare time, she is Content Barista at Ralph’s Design & Deli and Chief of Awesome at Fun City Social Media.