Who is Your Ideal Customer?
Continuing our Rocks Digital journey, Byron Ingraham gave us some tips on discovering our ideal customers. Figuring out exactly who your ideal customer is helps you focus your marketing and social media efforts.
Personalities Matter
- You have a specific solution to a specific problem
- Everyone is not your customer
- Your message will resonate with a specific audience
So, how do you determine who your ideal customer is?
Ideal Customer Profile: Profiling your exact customer to create more effective marketing campaigns targeting them
Demographics: List out the traits of your ideal customer – Age, gender, income, education, political affiliation, language, employment
Psychographics: List specific characteristics of your ideal customer. Values, attitudes about Life, interests, hobbies, lifestyle, beliefs
Insights: List out what keeps your ideal customer up at night, the things that cause them to lose sleep. This should be their biggest frustration and pain points
Write this as if you were your ideal customer:
- What is your greatest fear about your current situation?
- What is keeping you up at night?
- What are you avoiding because of the pain associated with it?
- What would be worse than not trying?
- How do you feel your closest friends and family would think about you if they knew what you were feeling right now?
- Deep down inside, what do you wish was true about your situation?
- What do you wish you could make happen in your life right now to change your situation?
- What’s the “silver bullet” solution that you would pay or do anything for to make happen in your life?
- How would the story change with this solution?
When trying to determine what social media platform is the most important, it depends where your customers are. Knowing your ideal customer will help you determine which platform(s) to use. You can use Facebook’s Audience Insights to get some ideas about how your ideal customers are accessing content (desktop vs. mobile) and where they are spending their money.
Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.