DFW Rocks Social Media Day 2013 Conference Presentations – June 30th
We have seven DFW Rocks Social Media Day presentations for you. We will start promptly at 9:00 am with a Welcome Message from Lissa Duty and kick off with the keynote speaker, Kate Buck.
We will have three breaks today: 10:40 am, 11:40 for lunch and 2:10 pm. Serving Continental Breakfast items for the Morning Break. Lunch will feature a Cold / Warm Sandwich Bar, Chips & Dip. (Vegetarian options available. Email Lissa for this request.) Afternoon Break will provide you with some sweets to keep you going until the end of the day. Coffee / Water / Tea / Fruit Punch will be served the entire day. Vending and waitstaff will be available for your additional needs.
Presentation: Facebook Marketing Strategies for Guaranteed Success
Speaker: Kate Buck, Jr.
Nowadays, almost anyone can register a Facebook account and create a Facebook Page, but getting results is another thing! In this presentation, Kate will share Facebook Marketing Strategies that will get you more than just a “Like.” Comments, Shares and Clients should be your goal, and she’ll help you achieve them!
Presentation: Clicks = Sales: Power Sales Tips for a Social World
Speaker: Debbie Mrazek
Sales is not magic – it requires work and patience. Nothing sells itself. A click might be easy but getting them to click where you want them to is another story. The do’s and don’ts of selling will help you turn clicks into sales faster and easier.
Presentation: The Google Effect: Google+ & Google Search
Speaker: Lissa Duty
Google is taking over the online space! They are the biggest search engine and own the second biggest – YouTube. With Google+, they are going to master Social Networking – it is only a matter of time. It is imperative in today’s world that you dive in and navigate all the waters, that you not only drive search results, but be in the know, and an authority in one of the upcoming leading social networks. Google+ is no longer just for the marketing folks, it is for everyone. Dive in now and claim your niche before someone else does.
Presentation: DIY SEO: Search Engine Optimization for the Everyday Joe
Speaker: John J. Nosal
Search Engine Optimization doesn’t have to be as intimidating as it sounds. With a few simple strategies you can start to see results in search. John will discuss: Strategies to Identify Where You Rank Compared to Your Competition, Keyword Placement, Easy-To-Use SEO Plugins for Your Website, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, and much more. Don’t be intimated – SEO is for the Everyday Joe.
Presentation: Growing Your Social List: Connections, Conversations & Conversions
Speaker: Patty Farmer
Making the right connections on social networking sites is easier said than done. You must first identify the sites they frequent and speak their language to create a connection. After you create the connection, you need to employ strategies to take the relationship to the next level, such as an opt-in to your email list, a contact via your web form, or even a comment on a blog post. To achieve this you must use the right strategies at the right time and with the right calls to action!
Presentation: Social Impact: How Social Media Affects Our Decisions
Speaker: David Leonnig
Social Media has impacted every decision we make today. Before we watch a movie, buy a product or service, go to a restaurant, or visit a museum we consult with our social networking sites. We visit review sites, such as Yelp. We ask our friends, and for better or worse, social media has even affected how we make friends. We accept requests from people that look OK, many times not really knowing them personally. Social has expanded our reach and we have relationships with people not only from the same state, but also around the globe. Lissa will share some stats and insights with you on how social media has affected us. Why do you need to know this? Because that means it has affected your customers – not only where they are shopping, but how! If your reach is further, so is theirs. You must be in the forefront on this issue to keep your customers and to keep getting new ones.
Presentation: Social Media Q & A Expert Panel
Panelists: Lori Barber, Elysa Ellis, Nico Martini and Eddie Reeves
You have had an action-packed day of learning at DFW Rocks Social Media about Facebook, Sales, Google+, Search Engine Optimization, Growing Your Social List and the impact Social Media has made not only on your lives, but your customers as well! This Social Media Panel will be your opportunity to ask the PROS in the industry your social media questions, marketing, and web design questions. No question is too small or too big! Ask AWAY! If our PROS don’t have the answer they’ll direct you to a resource that will get you the answer!
LIVE Blogger: Andi Reis
LIVE Tweeter: Aida Rojas