Harley David Rubin

Website CTAs: Don’t Leave Home Without It!

Call to Action Button
Image Credit – Brasil Creativo/

You’ve heard how critical a good call to action is for your website. But did you realize that every page and every main section should have what is in essence a call to action?

That’s right. The Home Page, the Product and Services Pages, and even the About Us page should all have a Call To Action. These CTA types may be Read More, Subscribe to Email, Follow on Social, or even Buy Now.

But before I dig into the “how to”, permit me to wax philosophical.

“Buy land — they’re not making any more of it.”

— Mark Twain

Or, moving from print to stage and film:

“Always be closing.”

— Blake, “Glengarry Glen Ross”

Those quotes above are both classics — used by real estate pros, salespeople, and pretty much millions of people. But what do they have to do with your website? Plenty.

The first quote has been attributed to Twain, Will Rogers and many others. Whoever said it, the fundamental idea is the true value of real estate — and how there’s a finite amount of space available. And the same goes for your website! (Ah, there’s the connection to our topic.)

Website CTAs Are a Must to Convert

Every pixel of your website can (and should) have a purpose. And while each page of the site has a different purpose, there’s one thing that every page of your website must have: a call to action. (Or more.)

That’s where our second quote comes in. Because the best possible outcome of a visit to your website is…? Yes, a purchase.

So in essence, your website needs to “always be closing.” A good CTA will help you do that — so here are some CTA ideas for the most important pages of your site:

The Homepage

The vast majority of visitors to a website land on the homepage, or frequently referred to as home. They just searched for something that led them to you, or they saw your URL somewhere; no matter why they’re on your site, the important thing is they’re there — and most likely interested in finding out more about your business.

CTA ideas for the homepage:

  • Click to read more = You can use lots of these, actually. Every content section on your homepage should probably link somewhere else within your site. (This is called making your site “sticky.”) PRO TIP: You don’t have to actually say “Click here for ___” — it’s wasting words and space. Most people see a underlined link and know it’s clickable. Some good examples that don’t overtly say “click here” but get the point across are: Find out more, Read more here, Discover our full product line, and the all time favorite, Contact us today!
  • Subscribe for email updates = Having a small widget/block with a line or two of copy and a box where visitors can provide their email is hugely valuable for building your prospect list. You definitely need one on your homepage (and maybe even one on every page of your site). PRO TIP: Make sure you let them know in that brief sentence or two that you won’t be “bothering” them and stuffing their inbox with constant emails. Promise to treat their inbox like it’s your own!
  • Contact us = Maybe the visitor came to your site to find a way to ask you a question; make sure they have at least one way to contact you immediately. Which leads us to…
  • Connect on social = A must-have on your homepage and Contact Us pages. Giving visitors a chance to connect with you is another way they’re letting you into their life, and enabling that access could turn them into a loyal customer.PRO TIP: Consider having your social icons/links included in your top and/or bottom navigation bar/menu, throughout your entire website.

The Products/Services Page

This is where you have your most important content, and hopefully visitors land here to learn more about what you offer — more details about your products/services, and maybe even your pricing if they’re really interested. (Need more ideas? This post featured on WordStream has 21 CTAs for you.)

CTA ideas for the product main page:

  • Click to read more = Here, this CTA can send visitors further on to subpages for even more details on your products/services.
  • Purchase now = Hey, you might have sold them already — so offer the ability to become a customer right away!
  • Share on social = Maybe they’re SO in love with your products/services that they want to share them with their colleagues, friends and family! Can’t hurt to have “Share on social” links by each product/service name and description.

The “About Us” Page

This is a unique page — visitors coming here are curious about why your company is special or why you exist. Or they’re really interested in you (and your leadership team), possibly seeking validation for their potential decision to spend money with you. (“They’re good people, I’ll buy from them!” No matter the reason they’re on this page, you still want to give them clickable options to continue their journey.

CTA ideas for the about us main page:

  • Click to read more = You might have sub-pages with your bio and those of your partners/high-level staff, or perhaps more content about your company (such as a “Testimonials” or “Giving Back” sub-page).
  • Contact us = In addition to the usual link to your Contact Us page, you could include email addresses for you and your team. Providing your direct business emails shows a unique transparency and friendly attitude that goes far beyond a professional headshot and corporate bio.

The “Contact Us” Page

Good People: If you have a visitor on this page, it’s Go Time. All hands on deck. Your golden opportunity to get them to act. PLEASE — give them multiple options so they find the one they prefer.

CTA ideas for the contact us main page:

  • Information section = List out every bit of contact info about you, and make as much of it clickable as possible, without feeling spammy. Some good examples of things to include are: Name of the company, plus the address, and phone number (also referred to as NAP data); Ownership info (link to “About Us” or owner bio); Other locations contact information; Social media links; General “info” email address; and any other way you’d like to be contacted!
  • Contact form = Give your visitor the ability to provide you with contact information, but don’t ask for their Social Security number and shoe size. Keep it to Name, Address, Phone, Fax (yes, just in case), Email, and have a text box where they can send you a message. Promise that you’ll read all messages within 24-48 hours, too. PRO TIP: Consider making most of those fields “optional” and stick to having Name and Email as mandatory. More than ever, people are being careful about what information they share on the internet. Let’s be considerate.

To sum up, take advantage of every precious pixel of your business website and make them work for you. And always give visitors somewhere to go (still within your site) and something to do — whether it’s to learn more, subscribe to your emails, make a purchase, or contact you immediately.

And Always Be Closing!

Do you have a Call to Action that always works? Share your ideas in the comments below. And if you found this post interesting, don’t keep it to yourself. Click “Share”!

Harley David Rubin

Harley David Rubin is a freelance copywriter, content creator and marketing strategist who has worked for both advertising agencies and corporate marketing departments for more than 20 years. He loves his family, pop culture, fantasy baseball and creativity in all its forms.

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