Jessica Rector, keynote speaker, presented “Creating Your Ideal Audience Offline and Online” at #DFWRocks2014. A few of the highlights of her presentation are listed below.
Discover the proven techniques to create your ideal audience, find them in large qualities, and accurately market to them.
Identify Who You Ideal Client Is, Then You Create The Audience
Who is your ideal client?
Usually it’s someone who is like you. Maybe not like you TODAY. Maybe it’s the 10-year-old you.
Get Specific – What do they look like? What do they wear? What do they eat for breakfast? As you go through your day, ask yourself what your ideal client would be doing.
Where do they hang out? Who has them gathered for you? Form partnerships with people who know those people.
What do you say to them? Get into their minds. What are they thinking? What do they do? What are their hobbies?
What words do they use? Use the words they are using. Pull them to you without selling. To do that, you must connect with them. We want to CONNECT with people. We want to be able to share our secrets and come out of hiding.
Faith vs. Fear – Fear is strong but faith is more powerful. Fear will keep you right where you are. Facing your fears stretches you. Walk in Faith, not Fear to progress and succeed.
“When fear creeps in and everything in you says run the other way, that’s when you step forward with a resounding ‘Yes,’ because something truly magnificent is on the other side.”
To get out of your own way and build the foundation:
- Clear out what’s in your way
- Solutions to what’s not working
- Recognize opportunities for growth and improvement
- Create optimism
- Uncover solutions to clear out your fears
Laura Darkstar
Laura Darkstar, owner of Adminderella, is an Administrative Strategist, Blogger, Entrepreneur & Aspiring Novelist. She loves social media and small biz owners.