Debbie Mrazek, Author at Rocks Digital We ROCK Digital Marketing Tue, 26 Mar 2024 16:52:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Debbie Mrazek, Author at Rocks Digital 32 32 The Customer Said They Can’t Afford It – How to Salvage the Sale Mon, 19 Mar 2018 15:01:59 +0000 What do you do when the customer says they can’t afford it? If they say they have no money and can’t afford to buy, what then? Sweaty palms? Anger? Dread? Nothing? I will assume you do NOT run out of there screaming! There is nothing more uncomfortable than working on an opportunity, feeling like you […]

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Tomas Knopp/

What do you do when the customer says they can’t afford it? If they say they have no money and can’t afford to buy, what then? Sweaty palms? Anger? Dread? Nothing? I will assume you do NOT run out of there screaming!

There is nothing more uncomfortable than working on an opportunity, feeling like you have presented a great solution that the customer is going to find easy to say YES to… and then they say no, we don’t have the money.

When Customers Say They Can’t Afford It, It’s Not Over…

Hold on, let’s take a step back. Do they really not have enough money? Maybe, but more often than not they do have money – but you have not made a case for them to give it to you!

Think about what you’re selling. What does it cost? That may be a lot of money to you, as it has to do with your checkbook – but not with theirs. So don’t put your standard for “a lot of money” onto the client’s perspective.

Three Go-To Tips to Use When a Customer Says They Can’t Afford It

So, let’s back up. What are the real reasons they don’t buy, and what can you do about it?

Are You Really Listening to the Customer?

Most often, the reason customers do not buy is because we have not listened well enough to understand what their priorities are on spending money, and how to remove their fear of spending it with you.

There are times of course when the customer will say it’s because of lack of money, when they don’t want to tell you the truth such as “we’re going with someone else.” They get away with this because people often will not try to continue the conversation after they hear the client say they have no money.

Are You Asking What the Customer Needs?

Remember, when you get an opportunity, always begin with questions about the client! What do they need? What are they trying to accomplish? What’s not working with their current supplier? What new thing are they trying to create? To garner as much information as possible, ask all the who, what, why, where, when, how questions until you cannot think of any others to ask. When you’re asking these things, be certain you are REALLY listening to the answers, and not just listening for what you want to hear.

Try using a FAB (Features, Advantages, Benefit) statement when you’re creating your solution for what you can do. Understand clearly – and practice with others – on how you articulate features, advantages, and benefits. You may be clear in your head about what they are, but the way you describe them might be clear as mud to others. You want to make sure they hear what you’re really trying to say.

Features – Describe the product, offer, service, and what makes it special
Advantages – What the feature accomplishes that is unique and different
Benefit – How your advantages offer a benefit

Sometimes They Can’t Afford It, but Still…

It’s true that sometimes there does end up being no money. Something had to be done on a project and budget had to be reassigned; they lost money last quarter and need to hold back for a quarter, and so on – but again, more often than not we haven’t made our case powerfully enough for them to easily say yes.

When They Can’t Afford It, Don’t Let the Conversation End There

So, next time you go in to present your solution so you can receive the order, be certain you have really listened for understanding. Don’t just listen until it’s your turn to talk. Ask questions and assure them that you’d really like to do business with them. As part of gathering information to create your offer, let them know you want to be engaged with their success.

And if the answer should be no money… remember that NO is the beginning of a conversation, not the end! Know that your persistence could benefit both parties – your client-to-be and your brand. If you’re still certain that they are the perfect client for you, figure out what you did wrong and begin again. Good luck!

How to Salvage the #Sale by @DebbieMrazek #RocksDigital #Business
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When a customer says they can’t afford it, what’s your first response? How do you refocus and turn the conversation around? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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Show Yourself Some LOVE: How to Know When It’s Time to Get Help Thu, 15 Feb 2018 14:59:22 +0000 Did you start off today with a problem and wonder if ­­– or how – you can get help? We often like to think that we can get through anything by ourselves, but can we always do it alone? Reality shows that is often not the case, and that a “Lone Ranger” way of thinking can often lead to […]

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How to Know When It's Time to Get Help

Did you start off today with a problem and wonder if ­­– or how – you can get help? We often like to think that we can get through anything by ourselves, but can we always do it alone? Reality shows that is often not the case, and that a “Lone Ranger” way of thinking can often lead to disgruntled clients, lack of faith from your team members, and an overall feeling of failure.

Don’t Be the Lone Ranger – Get Help

What you need to know as a sales professional, is that it is entirely acceptable to ask for help when you need it. No one will think any less of you, and it will not affect your business reputation negatively. It will likely hurt your career more if you continue to think that you can manage everything and not ask for help when you need it!

Timing is Everything – Don’t Wait Too Long!

The important thing for you to understand is that you need to ask for help at the right time. If you wait too long, it may too late for the situation to be resolved or saved. Most professionals will only seek help from others when they are at the end of their rope. But the most effective time to ask for help is when you first notice that there is a problem. Acting sooner rather than later will allow you to save the deal or project that you have been working tirelessly on.

Never let a problem reach the point where the whole deal or projected outcome can be jeopardized. The sooner you admit to yourself that you cannot do everything on your own, the sooner you can bring others in who can help you turn things around and save the day.

Get Real ­– Getting Means Giving

There is nothing wrong with reaching out to others, even to those you would never want to know that you’re having trouble, and ask for their help. In most cases, along their own journey to success, these others have had to ask for help too. People who have gotten help will often want to help others. There is no power lost in having to ask others to step in and help you close a deal; in fact, those around you may respect you more for admitting that you are not perfect. This isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you.

Be a Good Human – It’s Time to Ask the Big Question

Think about when someone asks you for help. What do you think of them? I am willing to bet you think nothing ill of them, and are glad to help if you’re able – or are ready to refer them to someone who can. This is what good humans do. YOU are a good human and others would be delighted to help you, but they are not mind readers or psychics – well maybe some are, but most are not!

Ask and You Shall Receive

So, if you’ve ever been afraid to reach out to others for their assistance, to help you close a deal, learn more or complete a project on time, don’t be! Some of the most effective sales people and business leaders would not be in their current positon had they not accepted their limitations and reached out when necessary. Never wait until you reach the end of your rope ­– ask for help at the first sign of trouble, and you’ll be happy you did.

How to Know When It’s Time to Get Help by @DebbieMrazek #RocksDigital #Business
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Have you wanted to ask for help in the past and didn’t? What was the outcome? Share your experiences in the comments.

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Do Gut Feelings Have a Place in Business? Three Reasons to Listen to Your Intuition Wed, 24 Jan 2018 16:26:37 +0000 As we explore how to listen to your intuition, first consult your memory. Do you know the song, I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas? If not, stop right now and go to YouTube and listen to the chorus – over and over and over again. I want that lyric, “I gotta feeling today […]

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Three Reasons to Listen to Your Intuition
sun ok/

As we explore how to listen to your intuition, first consult your memory. Do you know the song, I Gotta Feeling by the Black Eyed Peas? If not, stop right now and go to YouTube and listen to the chorus – over and over and over again. I want that lyric, “I gotta feeling today is going to be a good day” to play over and over in your head. Well, OK, what it really says is “I gotta feeling tonight’s going to be a good night,” but we are taking the liberty to edit so you will remember!

Listen to Your Intuition – It’s Your Internal Consultant

Do you hate it when a song gets stuck in your head? Well, sometimes it’s a good thing to make you remember, and today I want to talk about helping you remember about one of the most powerful resources in your sales arsenal – your intuition.

Intuition is something that we are all born with. It’s that feeling you get about a specific situation or person that alerts you whether or not they seem trustworthy, or if you should continue interacting with them. Just keep in mind that your intuition actually functions as an ever-present “internal consultant.”

3 Reasons Why You Should Listen to Your Intuition

Do you know that the majority of people often tend to ignore this “feeling” issued from their consultant, which can sometimes lead to unproductive or harmful results. Keep reading for why you need to start listening today.

1. Successful People Routinely Use Intuition as a Tool

One of the things that successful people often credit is their intuition, and how it helped them agree to closing a deal or to meet with someone who would greatly impact their career. When you are in a situation, and you get that feeling that it could be very beneficial to you and your career, you should listen to it and not push it aside.

2. Overcome Fear

The primary reason that we do not listen to our intuition is because of fear. In most cases, it is often a life-changing event or high-risk deal that we are afraid of messing up, so we tune out that little voice that’s telling us to go for it.

Have you ever been faced with an important decision and then backed out because you were afraid to listen to your intuition, and then heard about someone else taking the same shot and succeeding? That could very well have been you, if you hadn’t let your fear step in and control your decision.

3. Avoid Regrets Down the Line

Intuition is a real feeling. It has been shown that people who follow their instincts and make certain decisions are often more successful than those who do not. Many people choose not to follow their intuition and later regret that decision – but they just do not trust it. If you are faced with a decision or the opportunity to work with someone, listen to what your gut is telling you as it is hardly ever wrong. Sort of like your Mom… you do know by now that she was hardly ever wrong, don’t you? 🙂

If you do not regularly listen to your intuition, and have often wondered how things might have turned out had you made the opposite decision, you experience regret. Regret is not a feeling that you want to live with and carry around with you in sales! It’s time for you to embrace and listen to that little voice that is telling you to make a decision. It may not always be a “yes” decision, but it is one that you will likely not spend the immediate future regretting.

Honor Your Own Instincts – Listen to Your Intuition

The time has come for you to stop focusing on what could go wrong rather than what could go right by listening to your intuition. Basically, honor your own instincts! Stop insisting that it isn’t real, or that the opportunity will never work out, because it may actually be the best decision that you make in your career. I gotta feeling!

Do you listen to your intuition? Asks @DebbieMrazek #RocksDigital #Business
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Do you already listen to your intuition? Or do you routinely squelch those gut feelings as “non-scientific” data? Let’s hear your thoughts, intuitive or otherwise, in the comments!

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Get More Business – 3 Ways to Increase Sales with Positive Thinking Thu, 14 Dec 2017 14:57:54 +0000 Before we look at how to increase sales with positive thinking, ponder this: It’s human nature for the majority of us to always wait for the other shoe to drop or expect that things will not always have a positive outcome. Increase Sales with Positive Thinking – Change Your Expectations But what if we decided […]

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Get More Business – 3 Ways to Increase Sales with Positive Thinking

Before we look at how to increase sales with positive thinking, ponder this: It’s human nature for the majority of us to always wait for the other shoe to drop or expect that things will not always have a positive outcome.

Increase Sales with Positive Thinking – Change Your Expectations

But what if we decided to change the way we think and start expecting positive results, rather than waiting for the sky to fall? If you’re ready to see how changing your way of thinking to positive rather than negative can affect your sales, keep reading.

When You Change Your Expectations, Miracles are Possible

When we choose to decide that it is more beneficial to expect good things to happen rather than negative, it can change our whole perspective. Instead of thinking I’ll never make that sale or land that new account, start thinking I’m going to close that sale and it’s going to lead to many more. Confidence gets results in business.

Let Go of Fear

The biggest thing that keeps us from striving for more and expecting the occasional miracle is fear. Fear is the number one reason why so many sales professionals stay in the same position for years. The fear of success or even of wanting more is one of the hardest things to overcome, but once you do so, you will find yourself reaching for goals that you once thought were unattainable. Never allow fear to stand between you and the future you see for yourself. The only way to achieve is to believe.

Choose to Expect Miracles

So many professionals have become stuck in their current situation because they refuse to expect miracles. The thing is, they happen all the time. When you consciously choose to expect miracles, you will begin to notice that they are happening, and not just to you. You hold the power to improve your current situation by simply choosing to expect the best. The raise you thought you would never receive may just happen – if you change how you think. That client that you thought was out of your league may just reach out, and choose you over someone else. The important thing is, you need to start expecting miracles, and you will soon begin to notice that they are possible.

Replace the Negative – In Life and Business to Increase Sales with Positive Thinking

Whether it is in your professional life or personal life, miracles happen all the time. The more open you are to receiving them, the more likely you are to begin receiving them. It all comes down to how you think and the type of attitude you have. If you live your life constantly expecting the worst, that is likely what will happen. When you choose to change your expectations, you will begin to notice that there is more positive in the world than you ever thought. Living a positive life, both professional and personal, all depends on how you think. If you want to change your overall attitude, change your expectations. Life will become so much better when you do.

Get More #Business! Increase #Sales w/ Positive Thinking by @DebbieMrazek #RocksDigital #Motivation
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What will you do next to help cultivate a positive outlook? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments!

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Changing Your Approach to Increase Sales Success ­­– The 6 Stages of Change Fri, 17 Nov 2017 14:02:07 +0000 Has the amount of sales you close each month been in decline? If so, it may be time to consider changing your sales techniques. Change is never easy, and it can be somewhat of a terrifying thought; however, it may be just what you need to do in order to improve your overall sales numbers […]

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Using the 6 Stages of Change to Improve Sales
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Has the amount of sales you close each month been in decline? If so, it may be time to consider changing your sales techniques. Change is never easy, and it can be somewhat of a terrifying thought; however, it may be just what you need to do in order to improve your overall sales numbers and business success.

It is very common that when we think that something isn’t working, it may be somewhat overwhelming to consider. But when you take your system apart, step-by-step, you might find all of the areas can be more productive, if they are simply changed. The changes may not be all that dramatic – but can make a dramatic difference on your bottom line!

Presenting the 6 Stages of Change to Help You Get Started

To determine if you need to make a change, take a careful assessment of your sales and look at what is and what is not working any longer. Be sure to take notes as you consider each of the below stages on what can be improved upon.

Stage 1 – Precontemplation – How to recognize you have a problem.

Think about and determine the risks of continuing to behave as you have been, meaning keep on doing things the way they have been done. You may think everything is fine and no change is needed. But pay attention to how others around you are having success.

Stage 2 – Contemplation – What can help you make a change?

Once you recognize a change needs to be made your first inclination might be why bother? Make a list of what the pros would be if you don’t change, and include the cons. Be honest with yourself – no one but you has to see this list.

Stage 3 – Preparation – Make a plan of action with a deadline for each step to be completed.

Think about how you have made successful changes in the past. Do you do better with small incremental changes, or do you just go to the deep end of the lake and dive in for the BIG change? It doesn’t matter – but do make goals – several small ones or one big one. Then make a list of things you need to do to accomplish each goal.

Stage 4 – Action – Take the necessary actions that you have laid out to implement the plan.

Reward your successes! What motivates you and moves you to action when you think about rewarding yourself? Take a day off, buy yourself a gift, two scoops of ice cream instead of one – make the reward something that will truly motivate YOU!!

Stage 5 – Maintain – Keep following through with your new techniques.

Be aware of what you are doing. If something works a few times and then one time it doesn’t, don’t go back to your original habit. Simply look at what didn’t work and tweak that, and continue to move forward to maintain your momentum. Do not stop rewarding yourself – money that you get for your efforts is great but that is not a reward. Always continue to motivate yourself with your own rewards.

Stage 6 – Relapse – Be aware of what triggers relapses and makes you want to go back to your old habits.

Do not kick yourself in the butt and be hard on yourself if your change takes a setback! Remind yourself what the goal was. Review exactly what you have done. Tweak where it didn’t work this time. Continue to move forward. If you feel like you need help, allow yourself to ask. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness!

If this assessment process above seems overwhelming, you may want to bring in a sales coach to help you see what is and what isn’t working. It is also a great idea to have an outside professional take a look at your business. They may notice things you have not, and provide you with ideas on how you can improve your sales.

Take Control of Sales with the 6 Stages of Change

Once you determine what needs to be changed, it’s time to take action. Are you ready to get started and make the necessary changes needed to improve your sales?

Make sure that you have a clear and realistic time deadline in which these changes should take place. Having a deadline will keep you on track and ensure that you are following the steps needed to successfully implement the changes, and get your business back to being a productive and effective sales machine.

There is nothing like finding the things that need to be changed and taking the action to make it happen! That will help you insure more sales not just for today, but for a long time to come!

#Sales in decline? It is time for a change? @DebbieMrazek shares on #RocksDigital #Business
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Have you examined your sales process lately? Did you find any changes you need to make? How will you get started? Comment below.

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Back to School: 4 Ways to Improve Sales and Close More Deals Wed, 30 Aug 2017 09:00:35 +0000 You may have noticed by the abundance of school buses and backpacks that it is back-to-school time. Is it time for you to go back-to-school to improve sales? Let’s take a look at your current situation, and evaluate what you would change if you were going back to school. Improve Sales with 4 Lessons from […]

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Improve Your Sales

You may have noticed by the abundance of school buses and backpacks that it is back-to-school time. Is it time for you to go back-to-school to improve sales? Let’s take a look at your current situation, and evaluate what you would change if you were going back to school.

Improve Sales with 4 Lessons from Back-to-School

As a kid, did you ever wish you could pick your own teacher?

Throughout your career as a sales professional you may have had many teachers. All of these people were placed in your path to help you become the effective sales professional that you are today. However, you may feel that your sales techniques need to be updated.

Is there someone in your company you have admired and wanted to learn from? If so, now is a great time to approach them and ask if they have any advice, or if they would be interested in mentoring you. There’s no shame in trying to improve sales! In most cases, people will find it flattering that you would like to learn from them and gladly take you under their wing.

If you could take more than one class, whom else would you like to learn from?

This may include people in similar businesses, different industries, or people in your office. We are surrounded by people who have something to teach us and that can add something positive to our careers. Throughout your career and the time at your present position, you have likely run across people who have a different approach or style that seems to draw clients to them. This is a great time for you to approach those people and ask how they do it, and if they would be willing to share their tricks of the trade with you. There are many people who are delighted to teach you – just ask!

What is the new technology gadget, tool, thing that would make your business better?

We are way past the time of just needing a new ruler and calculator! This is also a great time of year to take a close look at the technology that you are using. Is it out of date; could you benefit from an upgrade? There are so many devices available from smartphones to tablets that will help you become more efficient and productive. Take a close look at what you’re using now and ask yourself whether it is still really working effectively for you. This is the perfect time of year to evaluate what you have and what is now available – and get it on SALE!

Did you hate it when your Mom would pick out your clothes for you?

What you were going to wear was always a big thing when you were getting ready to go back to school. However, as years have passed perhaps you haven’t been paying such close attention to what you wear – but others do! Over the years you may have lost your desire to pay attention to the latest styles, and let your wardrobe become somewhat dull. I know, this is not something that we want to admit, but it does happen. Hire a wardrobe consultant and get your closet up-to-date. When you look good, you feel good! First impressions are still important!

Be a Lifelong Learner to Improve Sales

Pick your own teacher, pick your own clothes, and whatever technology you want! Isn’t being an adult a more fun way to be a student? Get back to school and back to learning and loving it!

Improve Your #Sales and Close More Deals by @DebbieMrazek #RocksDigital #Business
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As a sales pro today, definitely take a look back! Have any thoughts about taking it back-to-school to improve your sales? Share your perspective in the comments below!

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