Mark Neace

How to Create a Tiered Video Content Strategy

Video Content Strategy
Image Credit – weedezign/

We have all heard the phrase by now that “Content is King,” and that statement includes images and video content too, not only text. Content is why search began on the “world wide web,” and all content must be produced. But do not think just any digital content will get you positioned correctly in the minds of your prospects and clients.

Create Quality Over Quantity in Your Video Content Strategy

As the legendary basketball coach John Wooden said, “Don’t mistake activity with achievement.” Quality online or digital content that gets results is based on a well-thought-out strategy, is created using quality production techniques, and is promoted to a well-targeted audience.

We have all heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words; well, Forrester researcher Dr. James McQuivey estimates that one minute of video is equal to 1.8 million words.

Seconds Count: Video Content Viewing Habits

10 seconds – That’s how long you have to grab the attention of viewers in a video marketing clip. According to research by Visible Measures, 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in 10 seconds or fewer. Get to the point of the video quickly, then explain the who, what, where, why.

2 minutes – You’ll lose about 1/3 of your viewers by 30 seconds, 45% of them by 1 minute and almost 60% by 2 minutes. And those numbers remain the same no matter how long the video is. We encourage our clients to create content between 45 to 90 seconds in length. If the message takes longer than that, it needs to be broken up into multiple videos.

5 minutes –­­­ While desktop viewers tend to stick with videos for 2 minutes or less, mobile users seem to have a longer attention span. iPhone users tend to watch for about 2.4 minutes. Android users give a video 3 minutes. iPad users have the longest attention spans of all, sticking with a web video for an average of 5 minutes.

Video Content Delivers Measurable Results

75% of executives surveyed told Forbes that they watch work-related videos on business websites at least once a week. The results breakdown:

  • 50% watch business-related videos on YouTube
  • 65% visit the marketer’s website after viewing a video

Video marketing increases sales and leads. If you’re not marketing with video, you’re losing customers to those that do. Businesses that incorporate video marketing into their overall marketing strategy see higher engagement rates, higher click-through rates, and higher conversion rates. Why would you leave all that value sitting on the table?

But how do you start, and how do you afford video content production?

The 3-Tiered Approach to Creating Video Content

I recommend a video content production strategy that consists of three tiers.

  • Brand Identity
  • Brand Voice
  • Brand Reputation

Brand Identity

Think of your “Brand Identity” videos as formal business attire for your business. They should be professionally produced with broadcast quality audio, video, and graphics, and tightly scripted with a clear, concise message. Unless you have internal resources to produce at this level, find a reputable production partner and spend the budget necessary to get a quality result. This is how the marketplace will view the quality of your brand, products, and services – don’t shop on price alone.

Brand Voice

Your “Brand Voice” video content is comparable to business casual attire – think of it as a business networking opportunity. This content should be produced on a frequent basis, like a weekly or bi-monthly video blog. Again, having a content strategy in place is crucial so that there is a continuity of topics and messaging. You may still want to use a production partner to help achieve a high production value for this content unless you’re willing to invest in basic production equipment and develop some video production and graphics skills.

Brand Reputation

Finally, there’s your “Brand Reputation” content. This is conversational or “on the fly” content, like casual Friday or weekend attire. It’s still important to have an overarching content strategy in place so that you recognize opportunities to support your top tiers of content when they arise. This content can include Facebook Live or YouTube Live videos that are shot on mobile devices or sharing daily thoughts from your PC or laptop webcam. You should still be conscious of both audio and video quality, using tools like a plug-in lavalier microphone for good audio and using a monopod with mobile devices to help stabilize the video. And always include a call to action to direct viewers to your website, blog or social pages.

Video Analytics

Effective video marketing has to be engaging right from the start, but how do you know where your video is going off the rails? That’s where video analytics comes in. Detailed video analytics will tell you who’s watching your video, how long they stay engaged and exactly where they click away. Armed with that information, you can sharpen your message and target it more precisely.

To Create Video Content, Think Strategy First

Marketing with video is now a necessity for businesses that want to compete and grow. The single most important first step is to develop a sound digital marketing and content strategy that is focused on your vision of business success and targeted to reach your unique audience. Then, based on this strategy, implement a three-tiered approach to producing video content that will entertain, educate and engage.

Do you use a tiered video content strategy? Have you incorporated video into your digital marketing yet?

Mark Neace

Mark Neace is the Founder/Creative Director at SyncLab Media, a digital marketing consulting agency in Dallas, TX. He's also a Scout dad and volunteer, Rotarian, avid golfer, and professional caddie.

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